We supply healthy, wholesome and fun meals for your child.
Our meals are provided by Kids Gourmet Food (KGF), they provide fresh, nutritious, home style meals which are delivered daily.
Our Kitchen Administrator ensures the meals are prepared and presented beautifully for all meals times.
We supply Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea
The early years are instrumental in developing positive, long term eating habits, we value the ability to engage in discussions with children about healthy choices and provide opportunities for the children to cook and create foods that can be shared, sourcing our own ingredients from our gardens is something we feel lucky to be able to implement too. Experimental learning is always a powerful educational tool and this ‘hands on’ approach helps shape the way your child thinks about food.
Most of our meals are enjoyed in our restaurant space.
Our restaurant encourages the children to communicate with one another, work together setting the tables and cleaning up, it improves their confidence and helps develop social skills all while being exposed to new and interesting, healthy foods.